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Dance and donate for Ukraine

Due to the fact that this is about an international teamwork I am trying to write this post in proper English. It all began in July this year when director Noel Hearle contacted me with the idea to make a song and video clip against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In most armed conflicts, it is not easy to clearly identify who is to blame for the escalation. And in war, by its very nature, there is hardly ever an completely "good" side. In the case of Ukraine, however, I believe that the Russian attack is criminal and that Ukraine's resistance is justified and worthy of support. Not in order to defend some imaginary "values" in the name of the West, but to let the people in Ukraine decide for themselves what kind of country or system they would like to live in. Believe me, I deeply detest any kind of military attitude. Any nationalism is suspect to me. Nevertheless, I decided to take the Ukrainian side.

"Shuffle For Freedom" wants to spread hope through music and also generate donations for Ukrainian musicians who are at war instead of practicing their profession. What will be bought is not weapons and ammunition, but warm clothes and medical supplies.

Certainly, all those involved have given serious thought about the meaning and impact of this project. And after careful consideration they came on board. I wrote the German lyrics, which were translated to English more or less analogously. Nico Feer, my duo partner of Linx&Lechz, composed the music and had Matthias Kräutli and Martin Hofstetter to support him with the production. Refugees from the Ukraine, who now live in Switzerland, came to help in an advisory capacity. A Russian musician also was part of the track in the background. The lead singers in the German version are Michael von der Heide and Noelle Ruoss. Gigi Moto and Anton Pushkar, singer of the Ukrainian rock band Love'n'Joy, sung choruses ans additional lines. In this English version, Anton and Noelle appear a bit more, because Michael is not present in the song. Many people did a lot of free work to make this clip possible. Thanks also to those who made contacts in the background and networked us together!

Now everything is finally ready to see. Noel Hearle has edited the best footage out of a several days' shooting, and here's the result. I'm thrilled and think it was really worth it that we stayed focussed and overcame the hurdles of the last few months. Enjoy!

> Fun Fact: I also appear briefly as a bear in the video :-)

> The German version was published on the 9th of December and can be seen HERE

> Donations can be made HERE

> By the way, there was a SRF report about the project on the 9th of December at G&G


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